Durham Sixth Form Centre

Celebrating a Century of Success...

Student FAQ...

What should I do if….

I am unwell: 

Telephone the Centre on or email  to report your absence.  You should state your tutor group number and say how long you are likely to be off.  On your return, you will need to complete a Sickness Declaration form and hand in to the Attendance Officer.

If you are ill for 5 consecutive days, or longer, you will need to provide a letter from home. It is your responsibility, on your return, to find out what work you have missed and to ensure that you catch up classwork and homework tasks.

I have a doctors / dentist appointment: 

Where possible, these should be arranged for times that don’t interfere with lessons.  If this is not possible, you need to inform your Leader of Learning of the arrangements BEFORE you go, and see the subject teachers whose lessons you will miss. You need to complete a Leave of Absence form, and hand in to your Leader of Learning for approval.

I have a driving test / Interview / Open Day:

You need to inform your Leader of Learning of the arrangements BEFORE you go, and see the subject teachers whose lessons you will miss. You need to complete a Leave of Absence form, and hand in to your Leader of Learning for approval.

I am going on holiday: 

The Centre’s policy regarding holidays is that they should not happen during term time.  In extreme circumstances where it is unavoidable, permission must be gained from your Leader of Learning, and you will be required to satisfy your subject teachers that you are able to keep up with the workload. Complete a Holiday form, and hand in to your Leader of Learning for approval.

There is a change in family circumstances: 

Inform your tutor / Leader of Learning of the new arrangements, so that records can be updated (eg. Change of address, contact details etc.). 

I am having financial difficulties:

You may be eligible for help with travel and equipment needed for your studies (eg. Books, equipment, sports clothing etc.).  See your Leader of Learning for details.

I am thinking of leaving the Centre:

Don’t act until you have spoken to your Leader of Learning.  It may be possible to signpost you to services that can help with planning alternative pathways, or there may be support available to enable you to stay and complete your studies. 

I am suffering with stress / anxiety / depression: 

See your Leader of Learning who can refer you to appropriate services.  There is a counsellor available at the Centre who you can talk to.  Alternatively see the Safeguarding Officer who will be able to advise.

I am worried about a friend: 

You should tell somebody about your concerns.  See your Leader of Learning.

I am struggling in my work:

You should talk to your subject teacher first, or speak to your Leader of Learning.  Don’t skip lessons to avoid the problem, as it will undoubtedly make the situation worse.  Additional support may be available through the Wednesday afternoon programme. 

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