

Durham Sixth Form Centre

Celebrating a Century of Success...

Student Forums...

We encourage and greatly value our students' input into the planning and life of the Sixth Form Centre. Views and ideas are expressed, heard and acted upon via a number of ways.

The Student Voice...

The Student Voice is the elected student body providing a lively forum for debate, consultation and communication. It meets regularly to represent students' views, opinions and concerns.

The Student Voice makes suggestions for development and change that are beneficial and that improve the students' experiences. Students are routinely included in the interviewing of new teachers and are regularly consulted before curriculum changes are made.

Students act as ambassadors for the Sixth Form Centre and indeed the County, often being invited to discuss and give their ideas and opinions to interested parties - from the Queen to Members of Parliament, Ofsted Inspectors to charity workers and researchers.

The Social Committee...

The Social Committee works hard to ensure students can balance their studies with a packed social diary. They organise social events such as college parties and the all important leavers ball.

The Sports Committee...

The Sports Committee aims to help the development of sport within the Sixth Form Centre by organising various events such as inter-tutor group sports competitions as well as sponsored events that can provide financial support for students to pursue extra curricular sporting interests.

The committee also organises participation in the Great North Run where we annually have over 150 students competing and marshalling whilst raising money for local charities.

The Charities Committee...

The Charities Committee works to raise as much money as possible for a range of good causes which are internationally, nationally and locally focused. In the last year these have included: The British Heart Foundation, The Poppy Appeal and Sport Relief as well as local hospices and residential care homes.

Talent shows, fancy dress days, quizzes and the like are all organised for this purpose.

Green Fingers...

Green Fingers is a group that works to improve and maintain projects in the our grounds, all designed and initiated by former students. Current projects include a vegetable allotment and a wildlife garden.

The group is encouraged to take a wider role in actively promoting sustainable practices, and has initiated bike shelters, energy reduction strategies and centre-wide recycling programmes. The work has been recognised in the region, and gained the Centre a prestigious environmental award in 2011.

The Music Committee...

The Music Committee aims to introduce students to music of all kinds by arranging transport to a diverse range of music events. Additionally, local musicians from both inside and outside the Sixth Form Centre are given the opportunity to perform to the public.

Subject Panels...

Subject Panels are established in faculty and subject areas. They bring together students and teachers to consider how well the particular courses are going. Students on the panels have the opportunity to discuss the effectiveness of the teaching and learning within subject areas.

Other Committees & Groups...

We always encourage students to pursue their own interests by taking the initiative to set up their own committee.

We believe that by working together to organise activities and events, students can hone the skills of leadership, management, teamwork and negotiation - all important life skills that will be essential in the future.

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Click here for events celebrating our 100 years of education.